
Soulace by Modern Spaces

Sarjapur Road, Bengaluru

4.57 Cr - 5.71 Cr


4 & 5BHK+Maid
Dec 2024
3.5 / 5


Soulace by Modern Spaces

Comparing with the average of all properties in Sarjapur Road

26.50 Acres

Land Area

Avg is: 21.19 acres

28459 sqft

Clubhouse Area

Avg is: 19952 sqft

3.40 Acres

Park Area

Avg is: 1.37 Acres


Open Area

Avg is: 65%



Avg is: 808 units


Price Per Sq.Ft.

Avg is: 9745

106 sqft / unit

Clubhouse Factor

Avg is: 51 sqft / unit

2.70 kms

Closest Metro

Avg is: 3.46 kms

12 meters

Approach Road

Avg is: 15 meters

10 units/acre

Unit Density

Avg is: 50 units/acre
Property Insights

Soulace by Modern Spaces, located in Sarjapur Road is the blend of design and thoughtful development by Modern Spaces. Soulace by Modern Spaaces has a total open area of 52% ensuring ample garden and open spaces for the residents.

Soulace by Modern Spaces has 0 floors and a density of 10 as compared to the average density of 51 in Sarjapur Road. Density is basically the number of units per acre, it is a great measure of how crowded the property might potentially become at full occupancy.

The nearest metro station from Soulace by Modern Spaces is Sompura at a distance of 2.7kms. Soulace by Modern Spaaces remains accessible through 12m wide roads and is 52.34kms away from the Kempegowda International Airport. Within Soulace by Modern Spaaces, there is a thoughtfully designed clubhouse of 28459sqft amongst other amenities for the residents to experience.

Soulace by Modern Spaces offers a range of typologies that are designed to accommodate all the individual and collective requirements of its residents. Soulace by Modern Spaaces has 4BHK,5BHK+Maid starting from 3387sq.ft to 4235sq.ft of saleable area.

Breaking this further down, we have

- 4BHK: with dimensions ranging between 3387sq.ft -3387sq.ft.

- 5BHK+Maid: with dimensions ranging between 4235sq.ft -4235sq.ft.

PRM/KA/RERA/1251/308/PR/150223/005723Approved On: Feb 2023


Soulace by Modern Spaces

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Master Plan

Soulace by Modern Spaces

Floor Plans

Soulace by Modern Spaces has 4BHK, 5BHK+MAID. 4BHK has 1 configuration: 3387 sq.ft.. 5BHK+MAID has 1 configuration: 4235 sq.ft..

3387 sq.ft.
4BHK@4.57 Cr
Saleable Area

3387 sq.ft

Carpet Area

2244 sq.ft


66.25 %

Floor Height

3 meters

Bathroom Count




See Insights


Living RoomMarble
Master BedroomMarble
KitchenKota Stone
ToiletsCeramic Flooring + Wall Tile


Soulace by Modern Spaces

Lifestyle Amenities

Here are the lifestyle amenities offered by Soulace by Modern Spaces.

  • Pet Park

  • Supermarket

  • Pharmacy/Clinic

  • Library

  • Sauna

  • Amphitheatre

  • Swimming Pool

  • Gym - Indoor

  • Gym - Outdoor

  • Cafe/Restaurant

  • Jacuzzi

  • Kids Play Area

  • Salon

  • Play School

  • Heated Pool

Sports Amenities

Here are the sport & fitness related amenities offered by Soulace by Modern Spaces.

  • Running Track

  • Basketball

  • Badminton

  • Cricket Pitch

  • Cricket Ground

  • Football Ground

  • Squash

  • Skating

  • Lawn Tennis

  • Volleyball Net


All properties are subject to one or the challenge amongst the ones stated below. Our experts can help you identify if Soulace by Modern Spaces has any red flags and if the unit you are considering is specially affected by it.

Sarjapur Road promotional image

Sarjapur Road

Sarjapur Road, located in South-East Bengaluru, is a major IT corridor and a popular residential area. Known for its proximity to tech parks, schools, and hospitals, it offers a blend of modern living and convenience.

Living ExperienceMedium
Investment PotentialHigh
Price RangeModerate

About the Developer

Modern Spaaces

Established On
Completed Projects
No Data
See all properties by Modern Spaaces

Established in 2012, Modern Spaces focuses on delivering thoughtfully designed residential and commercial developments. With over 1 million sq. ft. completed, the company caters to mid-segment and premium buyers in Bengaluru.Key projects like Modern Greens, Modern Heights, and Modern Meadows are recognized for their innovative layouts and contemporary features. Modern Spaces integrates green practices such as energy-efficient construction and landscaped open spaces into its developments.Known for timely delivery and quality construction, Modern Spaces continues to serve Bengaluru's growing real estate market.

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