Expert Comparison of Properties in Thanisandra Road

Elevate your home search with our expert comparison of properties in Thanisandra Road, Bangalore. Gain valuable insights into a diverse rang

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Expert Comparison of Properties in Thanisandra Road
PropertyNikoo Homes IVSobha City AthenaPurva Atmosphere
Floor to ceiling height2.95 mtrs3 mtrs3.05 mtrs
Road width18 mtrs24 mtrs27 mtrs
Project land area34.27 Acres39 Acres12.8 Acres
Density of units705581
Property efficiencyN/A68%69%
Club house area69,693.5 sqft0 sqft15,005.016 sqft
Proximity to metro11.3 km4.5 km7.4 km
Open area73%73%90%
Common walls50%Less than 25%Less than 25%
Master bedroom size134.2 sqft135.63 sqft153.22 sqft
Balcony area analysis11.38%4.28%3.36%
Clubhouse Factor35014
Park area1.6 Acres0.1 Acres1.1 Acres

Executive Summary

When comparing the three properties, Nikoo Homes IV, Sobha City Athena, and Purva Atmosphere, several key parameters stand out.

Nikoo Homes IV

Nikoo Homes IV  offers a floor to ceiling height of 2.95 meters, an 18-meter road width, and a project land area of 34.27 acres. It has a density of 70 units, 50% common walls, and a master bedroom size of 134.2 square feet. The property provides a clubhouse area of 69,693.5 square feet, 73% open area, and a park area of 1.6 acres.

Sobha City Athena

Sobha City Athena  features a higher floor to ceiling height of 3 meters, a wider road width of 24 meters, and a larger project land area of 39 acres. The property has a density of 55 units and a property efficiency of 68%. It offers less than 25% common walls and a master bedroom size of 135.63 square feet. However, it lacks a clubhouse and park area, and the balcony area analysis is only 4.28%.

Purva Atmosphere

Purva Atmosphere  stands out with a floor to ceiling height of 3.05 meters, a road width of 27 meters, and a relatively smaller project land area of 12.8 acres. It has the highest density of units at 81, but also boasts a property efficiency of 69%. The property has less than 25% common walls and a spacious master bedroom size of 153.22 square feet. It provides a club house area of 15,005.016 square feet, 90% open area, and a park area of 1.1 acres.


In summary, Nikoo Homes IV offers a good balance of features, including a reasonable price, while Purva Atmosphere offers a larger project land area and more extensive amenities. Sobha City Athena, although lacking some amenities, provides a higher floor to ceiling height and a wider road width. It is advisable to consider the specific preferences and priorities when choosing a property. It is also recommended to consult market experts for an in-depth analysis of the properties. Book an appointment with our experts today with Propsoch.

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